01 Oct 2019
October 1, 2019

Shopping Trip With One Of My Maids Kathy…

Tribute Gift Or Not!!!!!!!

When I need to go on a specific shopping trip I always insist on having a maid to carry my bags.

Northampton is not the best place to buy what I need but I have regular shops I go to if I can’t find what I want online.
This occasion was different as I didn’t need anything for myself particularly but one of my long term maids (that i named Kathy) needed to be spruced up as we have a few photo sessions that she needs to look good for. It has been a while and I don’t like shabby looking maids.
Some time throughout that day Kathy would get a bit too comfortable in conversation with me. So I then would have to put her back in her place. I am a down to earth Mistress when spending longer than normal times with me it can become a rather enjoyable experience. Also if it is away from my establishment and in certain environments then I do relax a little more and enjoy our time together but It does not matter if we were in a public place or not I am still her Mistress and she should not forget that.
I do not expect to be called Mistress in public, Lucy is fine but the respect should still be there.
We were out for 5-6 hours and bless her little feet, I did wear them out. Carrying all those bags tired poor Kathy out.
I did see one pair of boots that I tried on and I said that I would allow her to buy them for me as a tribute gift if the fit was comfortable enough but unfortunately, they were not.
As we were coming to the end of our shopping trip I had to nip into the supermarket where I allowed her to pay for my grocery shopping instead.
She was very grateful and will look forward to the next time I allow her to tribute me again.

Head School Mistresses Cane

As Kathy had been disrespectful to her Mistress earlier that day her punishment would be equivalent to the sharpness of Mistresses tongue that put her back in her place. The punishment would be 10 hard strikes of the Head School Mistresses Cane to her bare bottom with no breathers in between. In the normal session, Mistress would allow her enhancers to help her take longer and harder punishments. As this was a short, sharp and to the point punishment it was administered raw and without any help.
No one forgets one of Mistress Lucy’s punishments as I do not allow disobedience or if you do forget then you are quickly awakened the second time and then you remember how your bottom felt after the first punishment.
Gluten for severe punishment if you’re a repeat offender.
My motto is and has always been ‘Be Careful What You Ask For’…….If you don’t believe me,  come on then……..try me….if you dare!!!!!!


03 May 2019
May 3, 2019

OMG What a Wriggler i Have Here…

Now I like to have fun but this particular day when I received an inquiry I wasn’t expected to have so much fun.
When we had had our time conversing of the fundamentals the day came to see if he was all he said he was.
When he entered my establishment he stepped inside my front door very nervously (because I had shaken him up a bit from the chat we had the day before) “Good afternoon” I said looking at him in my intimidating way.
‘Bless’ i thought ‘a short one, all the more fun lol’.
As he followed me up the stairs to my entertainment floor I could hear his in-trepidation in his footsteps one by one, actually expecting him to say “sorry I can’t do this” and ask to be let out but he didn’t.
As I turned to look at him as i walked into the middle of the room the fear that he once had turned slightly to ‘oh bugar what have I got myself into look’.
We chatted a little to calm his nerves and then i said out of the blue in my Mistress voice (I am kind and me when you first enter my property to help you relax but if your here for a mistress Lucy session then your know in my voice when she has appeared) “Take all your clothes off and put them by the banisters out of the way”. Now the fear of God appeared once more in his eyes. He was obediently submissive which was a very good start.
As I went to the bathroom to wash my hands (i am very ocd on cleanliness and hygiene, no short cuts on anything like that) I watched his body language to see how I was going to plan my next move.
I abruptly said “stand up straight boy (even though he was 47 years old i call everyone boy when i feel like it). He stood bolt upright as if he was in the army line ready for inspection.
My black shine stiletto court shoes clicked on the wood floor with each step i took closer to him. I circled him and looked him up and down to make him even more nervous than before.
“Don’t look at me boy” i said “Did i ask you to move your eyes my direction?”
“No” he said with a quiver in his feeble little soft-spoken voice. I laughed as i turned my back and walked away.
Whilst my thoughts turned to which way i was going to take this pathetic boy through an emotional roller coaster i could hear his breath getting erratic.
As the bdsm bed was behind him where he was standing i said in a very authoritative voice ” Lay on the bed face up”. He did as i told him a bit quicker than i was expected but i think he just wanted to hide his arousal from me as he didn’t know what i was going to do next but i wasn’t having any of it as i wanted it all on show for me to tease.
Whilst conversing on the phone the day before he told me what he liked and disliked so i had an idea without having to ask within the session.
Restriction was his thing and Wow was he a wriggler.
I didn’t want to tie him to tightly on his first visit and frighten him off from returning another time but i sure knew that it would have to be much more heavier bondage restriction next time.
Throughout the session, i teased him in my mistress way but also found his sensitive spots. One thing i did love doing and that was anally stimulating him. I would slowly push a finger in and move it around and then gradually increase the number of fingers to stretch him slightly. When i was happy with the amount of stretching to the size of my smallest silicone dildo i would change fingers to toys. Everything condomed obviously for hygiene.
I applied ky lubricant to the end of the dildo and gentle slide it in and then when i knew he was enjoying it i would pull it out at top speed. lololol OMG he wriggled and jumped and moved all over the place in excitement. I had to hold onto the bed in case he tipped it over.
Through out the session i continued to do this spontaneously going from one antic to another surprising him each time.
He never said he disliked giving oral to toys so as soon as I had pulled the dildo from his arse hole i pushed it in the mouth. As he couldn’t see what I was doing it was a big surprise. I found out very quickly that he did not like the taste of his own poop lol but I found it extremely funny.
This pathetic little wriggler sent me a text later on that day (as he left me at the end of the session in total disorientation and was cum drunk) saying how much he enjoyed the way I am and control the whole situation. He said every emotion was touched on in ways that he never thought he could experience.
He has been back to me 2 more times since and each time has got more intense with hoods, neck braces and poppers and yes the restriction has got a lot more heavy handed. He is not left marked in any way but i am mentally tattooed on to his memory forever and a day.

Now that it look like the leaves are showing their gorgeous green heads on the trees this is a perfect sign to say that winter is finally on its way out and spring is trying to peak through the clouds.
It may be a change of mood for the plants but definitely a change of mood for us as human beings.
Christmas and new year is far in the back of our minds and the threat of all the credit card bills from the family festive times have chilled and we have all got back on the straight and narrow with our play money.
The year goes by in waves as we all should be use to by now so planning our earnings should come natural to you now.
Requesting an appointment of a destressing session in whatever way you are comfortable with should be what you look forward to when you can have some relaxation time.
To some its a massage from a soft sensual pair of hands attached to an experience, yet dominating female that controls your mind, body and soul by her intoxicating persona as soon as you enter her world…..or it might be a BDSM session where pain is your pleasure and you get the sxxt thrashed out of your arse and then continue to feel it for days after.
Which ever way it may be I am the one that you will never forget. I will bring your fetish to life in a way only a experience mistress can.
So read my website and see what I’m all about but there is only one thought I can leave you thinking about and that is………There’s more to life than just the normal destressing everyone knows about.
Look forward to hearing from you……