09 Dec 2021
December 9, 2021

J Is For Judicial Corporal Punishment…

Friday 10th December 2021

Blog No.148/ Blogmas No.10

How time flies when you having fun. Welcome to day 10 of Blogmas. What would you say a fetish is for the letter J? As far as I can think of there isn’t a specific one. Apart from Japanese Rope Art/Torture or a fetish that is a popular one that has a different name to it.

Constable Lucy But Mam To You

What is Judicial Punishment?…

Judicial Corporal Punishment is a little like corporal punishment but ordered by the law. It was a law in many countries at one point but not so much now.
It can be found to continue in British colonies and Muslim-majority states. I will not go into which actual countries as that could be a controversial topic.

Fantasy / RolePlay…

These shoes may be unappealing but they hold the authority to put you in your place…

Roleplay on this fetish is quite popular. I have clients making up fantasies of being sentenced by the court of law to visit me for a punishment they will never forget. With this, I tend to mix a few frightening mind games into it to make it a bit more realistic.
I have a policewoman outfit with a white shirt (with lapels and badges etc) and black tie black skirt and very unattractive flat black tie-up shoes. This is matched with thick black tights. This sets the scene when I answer my front door. Sometimes I am requested to have just office attire because of what they see in their fantasy. entails. 
Either way, it does not make any difference to the punishment I will give them but it does to the client who requested this roleplay. 
Open-minded Mistress…
I am a very open-minded mistress and as long as it has nothing to do with sexual acts with underage or animals I will listen to what you are requesting. Whether I say yes to the scenario, I do not know that answer until I have heard your fantasy. 
Contact Me…
If you have a unique fantasy that you would like to act out at a place you and I will only know about then CONTACT ME and we can converse more on your request.
Take care in all you do, Stay safe and talk soon in the next blogmas.